您选择的条件: 2024-1
  • First report of Hispanodorcas from the Late Miocene of China

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2024-01-28 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: 西班牙羚(Hispanodorcas)是一类中小型牛科动物,此前只在泛地中海地区和南亚有 所发现。西班牙羚的分类一直有所争议,曾被认为与羚羊族(Antilopini), 苇羚族(Reduncini) 或角羊族(Oiocerini)有关。报道了在中国庆阳正宁地区的代店化石点首次发现的陇东西班 牙羚新种(H. longdongica sp. nov.), 时代大约为早保德期(约87百万年前)。新材料包括5个头 骨,保存状态各异,提供了迄今为止关于西班牙羚最完整的骨骼信息。其角心长而细、向 后弯曲,且微弱地同向扭曲(homonymous twist); 角心同时还具有和外背侧沟和内腹沟, 这些都是西班牙羚的典型特征。代店地点发现的西班牙羚在已知各种中体型最小,面部和 脑颅之间的弯曲较弱,前后基结节均发育较弱。这些原始的特征表明陇东西班牙羚可能代表了这个属的早期演化阶段。此外,该种头骨与瞪羚(Gazella)的相似之处表明西班牙羚可 能是直接从瞪羚的祖先演化而来,其同向扭转的角心与角羊族一致,可能是两者平行演化 所致。

  • 自主食用不同甜味物质对小鼠尿液蛋白质组的影响

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物化学 分类: 生物学 >> 分子生物学 提交时间: 2024-01-25

    摘要: 目的:通过分析小鼠自主食用不同甜味物质后尿液蛋白质组的变化,探索其对机体的可能影响。方法:收集C57BL/6l小鼠主动食用甜味物质前后的尿液样品。甜味物质包括目前世界范围内应用较为广泛且能引起小鼠喜好反应的蔗糖、甜菊糖苷、安赛蜜、三氯蔗糖,其中非营养性甜味剂的浓度选择了已有研究显示的小鼠喜好反应最强烈的浓度。通过高效液相色谱串联质谱联用(LC-MS/MS)的非标记定量蛋白质组学技术进行分析,成组筛选尿液蛋白质组的差异蛋白,进行蛋白质功能和生物学过程分析;进行单只小鼠食用甜味物质前后尿液蛋白质组比较;并将不同甜味物质进行横向对比。结果及结论:尿液蛋白质组可以反映小鼠自主食用甜味物质后的机体变化,且小鼠自主食用的不同甜味物质对尿液蛋白质组的影响并不相同。4种甜味物质中,三氯蔗糖与蔗糖引起机体的变化最为相似,甜菊糖苷与蔗糖引起机体的变化相差最远;蔗糖、安赛蜜和三氯蔗糖引起的机体变化相似,而甜菊糖苷引起机体的变化与其他甜味物质不同。小鼠自主食用4种甜味物质后尿液蛋白质组差异蛋白中均有已经被报道的与脑奖励回路相关的蛋白,而只有自主食用蔗糖、安赛蜜和三氯蔗糖后尿液蛋白质组差异蛋白大量与代谢过程相关,自主食用甜菊糖苷后尿液蛋白质组差异蛋白主要与核小体组装、基因表达等过程相关。

  • eDNA监测测序数据分析注释中参考数据库选择、指标阈值选择、目标数据准备的影响——以长江中游鱼类为监测目标

    分类: 生物学 >> 生态学 提交时间: 2024-01-23

    摘要: 在基于宏条形码(meta-barcoding)的eDNA监测技术路径中,eDNA测序数据的分析和注释是决定监测结果判断和评估精确与否甚至准确与否的基础,而参考数据库选择、指标阈值选择、目标数据准备是eDNA测序数据分析和注释中最为关键的3个技术环节。为弄清上述3个技术环节处理方案的影响,本研究以长江中游2组eDNA监测COI基因测序数据为分析对象,针对鱼类的检出做了3组实验来分别检验1)不同参考数据库及物种注释算法对注释结果的影响,2)不同OTU聚类序列相似度和物种注释分类置信度(序列一致性和序列覆盖度)对注释结果的影响,3)目标数据中各物种不同序列丰富度对注释结果的影响。结果显示:1)Blast算法下,3个版本nt库注释出的物种基本一致(72%~78%),2个本地序列参考库注释出的物种也基本一致(91%~96%),这5个序列参考库注释出的物种52%~68%一致;nt库RDP Classifier算法注释出的物种覆盖95%以上Blast算法注释出的物种,并比Blast算法注释出的物种多151%~443%,多出的物种大都是错误注释,本地参考数据库RDP Classifier算法注释出的物种覆盖66%~85%的Blast算法注释出的物种,并存在数条只注释到科属的结果。2)OTU聚类序列相似度阈值,取值0.999比取值0.99获得的OTU多154%~209%,注释到鱼类的OTU多240%~490%;注释分类置信度阈值(Blast算法,序列一致性和序列覆盖度)从0.8到0.99注释获得的物种组成基本(94%以上)一致,物种下的OTU组成也基本(83%以上)一致,注释分类置信度阈值取0.7时注释获得的物种组成、OTU组成和取0.8及以上时注释获得的有较大差异。3)在OTU聚类序列相似度阈值0.999、注释分类置信度阈值0.9时,多序列数据注释所得鱼类物种数、OTU数最多、物种注释正确率最高(达81.49%),分别比单序列数据的多7%、215%和高5%。在具体eDNA测序数据的分析和注释中,可通过建立完善本地参考数据库、优化OTU聚类序列相似度和物种注释分类置信度(序列一致性和序列覆盖度)取值、增加目标数据的丰富度来提高注释结果的准确性,但受制于物种注释算法的局限性,物种注释错误和注释遗漏的问题可能将长期存在,物种注释正确率通常低于85%(基于COI基因的eDNA监测)。

  • 不同气味对大鼠尿液蛋白质组的影响

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物化学 提交时间: 2024-01-20

    摘要: 大鼠在闻气味时,其尿液蛋白质组是否有相应的变化呢?闻不同气味产生的变化会不同吗?本研究通过对6只大鼠闻香油、风油精3天后,第3天、第4天的尿液样本进行采集,并使用LC-MS/MS技术对样本进行成组及单只前后对比分析。同时将已鉴定到的差异蛋白与同年龄段大鼠生长发育产生的差异蛋白进行比较,以排除生长发育对本实验结果造成的影响。实验结果表明,将香油组Day0和Day4的尿蛋白质组相比较,经过筛选可以鉴定到143个差异蛋白,随机产生的差异蛋白平均为7.32个,至少有94.88%的差异蛋白不是随机产生的。经成组及单只前后比较分析,同一气味呈现出较为一致的变化,在香油组鉴定到了与嗅觉产生相关的低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白2、COPD的生物标志物胎球蛋白B等差异蛋白,同时在风油精组鉴定到子宫球蛋白、三叶草因子3、粘蛋白2等变化显著且与嗅觉产生相关的差异蛋白。值得一提的是,我们在风油精组再次鉴定到了气味结合蛋白2A,同时存在于4只大鼠单只前后比较产生的差异蛋白中,这与电子烟模型呈现的结果一致。本研究证明,气味会对大鼠的尿液蛋白质组产生影响,不同气味对其的影响不同。这为探究嗅觉的生物学过程提供了新方法。

  • 大鼠灌胃葡萄糖酸锌后尿液蛋白质组的变化

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物化学 提交时间: 2024-01-19

    摘要: 锌是维持生物体正常生理功能所必需的元素。本研究对大鼠灌胃82mg/kgd葡萄糖酸锌(相当于锌剂量11.7mg/kgd)4天,对比分析了大鼠短期灌胃葡萄糖酸锌前后的尿液蛋白质组。许多差异蛋白被报道与锌有关,比如粘蛋白-2(MUC-2)(灌胃前是灌胃后的14倍,p=0.005)、转甲状腺素蛋白(Transthyretin)(灌胃后是灌胃前的3.9倍,p=0.0004)等。差异蛋白富集到的生物学过程(例如细胞凋亡过程的调控、免疫系统过程等)、分子功能(例如钙离子结合、铜离子结合、信号受体活性等)、KEGG通路(例如补体和凝血级联反应、PI3K-Akt信号通路等)显示出与锌的相关性。本研究从尿液蛋白质组学的角度探究锌对机体的整体影响,有助于深入理解锌的生物学功能,拓宽尿液蛋白质组学的应用潜力。

  • 大鼠灌胃葡萄糖酸钙后尿液蛋白质组的变化

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物化学 提交时间: 2024-01-18

    摘要: 钙是维持生物体正常生理功能所必需的元素。本研究对大鼠灌胃葡萄糖酸钙3225mg/kgd(相当于钙剂量300mg/kgd)4天,对比分析了大鼠短期灌胃葡萄糖酸钙前后的尿液蛋白质组。许多差异蛋白被报道与钙有关,比如Regucalcin(灌胃后是灌胃前的2.6倍,p=0.022)、跨膜蛋白132A(Transmembrane protein 132A)(灌胃后是灌胃前的8.2倍,p=0.009)、肌酸激酶(creatine kinase)(灌胃前是灌胃后的17.5倍,p=0.006)、Claudin-3(灌胃前是灌胃后的13.3倍,p=0.037)等。差异蛋白富集到的KEGG通路包括钙信号通路,生物学过程和分子功能也显示出与钙的相关性。本研究从尿液蛋白质组学的角度探究钙元素对机体的整体影响,有助于深入理解钙元素的生物学功能,拓宽尿液蛋白质组学的应用潜力。

  • Spatiotemporal variations in ecosystem services and their trade-offs and synergies against the background of the gully control and land consolidation project on the Loess Plateau, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 生态学 提交时间: 2024-01-12 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Studying the spatiotemporal variations in ecosystem services and their interrelationships on the Loess Plateau against the background of the gully control and land consolidation (GCLC) project has significant implications for ecological protection and quality development of the Yellow River Basin. Therefore, in this study, we took Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province of China, as the study area, selected four typical ecosystem services, including soil conservation service, water yield service, carbon storage service, and habitat quality service, and quantitatively evaluated the spatiotemporal variation characteristics and trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services from 2010 to 2018 using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) model. We also analysed the relationship between the GCLC project and regional ecosystem service changes in various regions (including 1 city, 2 districts, and 10 counties) of Yan'an City and proposed a coordinated development strategy between the GCLC project and the ecological environment. The results showed that, from 2010 to 2018, soil conservation service decreased by 7.76%, while the other three ecosystem services changed relatively little, with water yield service increasing by 0.56% and carbon storage service and habitat quality service decreasing by 0.16% and 0.14%, respectively. The ecological environment of Yan'an City developed in a balanced way between 2010 and 2018, and the four ecosystem services showed synergistic relationships, among which the synergistic relationships between soil conservation service and water yield service and between carbon storage service and habitat quality service were significant. The GCLC project had a negative impact on the ecosystem services of Yan'an City, and the impact on carbon storage service was more significant. This study provides a theoretical basis for the scientific evaluation of the ecological benefits of the GCLC project and the realization of a win-win situation between food security and ecological security.

  • Response of ecosystem carbon storage to land use change from 1985 to 2050 in the Ningxia Section of Yellow River Basin, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 生态学 提交时间: 2024-01-12 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Regional sustainable development necessitates a holistic understanding of spatiotemporal variations in ecosystem carbon storage (ECS), particularly in ecologically sensitive areas with arid and semi-arid climate. In this study, we calculated the ECS in the Ningxia Section of Yellow River Basin, China from 1985 to 2020 using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model based on land use data. We further predicted the spatial distribution of ECS in 2050 under four land use scenarios: natural development scenario (NDS), ecological protection scenario (EPS), cultivated land protection scenario (CPS), and urban development scenario (UDS) using the patch-generating land use simulation (PLUS) model, and quantified the influences of natural and human factors on the spatial differentiation of ECS using the geographical detector (Geodetector). Results showed that the total ECS of the study area initially increased from 1985 until reaching a peak at 402.36106 t in 2010, followed by a decreasing trend to 2050. The spatial distribution of ECS was characterized by high values in the eastern and southern parts of the study area, and low values in the western and northern parts. Between 1985 and 2020, land use changes occurred mainly through the expansion of cultivated land, woodland, and construction land at the expense of unused land. The total ECS in 2050 under different land use scenarios (ranked as EPS>CPS>NDS>UDS) would be lower than that in 2020. Nighttime light was the largest contributor to the spatial differentiation of ECS, with soil type and annual mean temperature being the major natural driving factors. Findings of this study could provide guidance on the ecological construction and high-quality development in arid and semi-arid areas.

  • Spatiotemporal changes of gross primary productivity and its response to drought in the Mongolian Plateau under climate change

    分类: 生物学 >> 生态学 提交时间: 2024-01-12 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Gross primary productivity (GPP) of vegetation is an important constituent of the terrestrial carbon sinks and is significantly influenced by drought. Understanding the impact of droughts on different types of vegetation GPP provides insight into the spatiotemporal variation of terrestrial carbon sinks, aiding efforts to mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change. In this study, we utilized the precipitation and temperature data from the Climatic Research Unit, the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI), the standardized precipitation index (SPI), and the simulated vegetation GPP using the eddy covariance-light use efficiency (EC-LUE) model to analyze the spatiotemporal change of GPP and its response to different drought indices in the Mongolian Plateau during 19822018. The main findings indicated that vegetation GPP decreased in 50.53% of the plateau, mainly in its northern and northeastern parts, while it increased in the remaining 49.47% area. Specifically, meadow steppe (78.92%) and deciduous forest (79.46%) witnessed a significant decrease in vegetation GPP, while alpine steppe (75.08%), cropland (76.27%), and sandy vegetation (87.88%) recovered well. Warming aridification areas accounted for 71.39% of the affected areas, while 28.53% of the areas underwent severe aridification, mainly located in the south and central regions. Notably, the warming aridification areas of desert steppe (92.68%) and sandy vegetation (90.24%) were significant. Climate warming was found to amplify the sensitivity of coniferous forest, deciduous forest, meadow steppe, and alpine steppe GPP to drought. Additionally, the drought sensitivity of vegetation GPP in the Mongolian Plateau gradually decreased as altitude increased. The cumulative effect of drought on vegetation GPP persisted for 3.008.00 months. The findings of this study will improve the understanding of how drought influences vegetation in arid and semi-arid areas.

  • Regulation effects of water and nitrogen on yield, water, and nitrogen use efficiency of wolfberry

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 提交时间: 2024-01-12 合作期刊: 《干旱区科学》

    摘要: Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) is important for health care and ecological protection. However, it faces problems of low productivity and resource utilization during planting. Exploring reasonable models for water and nitrogen management is important for solving these problems. Based on field trials in 2021 and 2022, this study analyzed the effects of controlling soil water and nitrogen application levels on wolfberry height, stem diameter, crown width, yield, and water (WUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). The upper and lower limits of soil water were controlled by the percentage of soil water content to field water capacity (f), and four water levels, i.e., adequate irrigation (W0, 75%85% f), mild water deficit (W1, 65%75% f), moderate water deficit (W2, 55%65% f), and severe water deficit (W3, 45%55% f) were used, and three nitrogen application levels, i.e., no nitrogen (N0, 0 kg/hm2), low nitrogen (N1, 150 kg/hm2), medium nitrogen (N2, 300 kg/hm2), and high nitrogen (N3, 450 kg/hm2) were implied. The results showed that irrigation and nitrogen application significantly affected plant height, stem diameter, and crown width of wolfberry at different growth stages (P<0.01), and their maximum values were observed in W1N2, W0N2, and W1N3 treatments. Dry weight per plant and yield of wolfberry first increased and then decreased with increasing nitrogen application under the same water treatment. Dry weight per hundred grains and dry weight percentage increased with increasing nitrogen application under W0 treatment. However, under other water treatments, the values first increased and then decreased with increasing nitrogen application. Yield and its component of wolfberry first increased and then decreased as water deficit increased under the same nitrogen treatment. Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE, 8.46 kg/(hm2mm)), WUE (6.83 kg/(hm2mm)), partial factor productivity of nitrogen (PFPN, 2.56 kg/kg), and NUE (14.29 kg/kg) reached their highest values in W2N2, W1N2, W1N2, and W1N1 treatments. Results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that yield, WUE, and NUE were better in W1N2 treatment, making it a suitable water and nitrogen management mode for the irrigation area of the Yellow River in the Gansu Province, China and similar planting areas.

  • 沉迷游戏青年的尿液蛋白质组学分析

    分类: 生物学 >> 神经生物学 提交时间: 2024-01-09

    摘要: 电子游戏成瘾表现为对数字游戏的不断增长的热情和无节制的使用,但游戏成瘾无客观指标。本研究利用质谱蛋白质组学技术分析了沉迷游戏的青少年与不玩电子游戏的青少年尿液中的蛋白质组差异。共纳入10名沉迷游戏的青少年和9名不玩电子游戏的青少年作为对照组。结果显示,两组之间存在125种差异显著的蛋白质,其中有11个蛋白已被报道服用精神类药物后在体内发生变化,并与成瘾相关:Calmodulin、ATP synthase subunit alpha、ATP synthase subunit beta、Acid ceramidase、Tomoregulin-2、Calcitonin、Apolipoprotein E、Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase、Heat shock protein beta-1、CD63 antigen、Ephrin type-B receptor 4、Tomoregulin-2。另外有多个蛋白可以与成瘾相关的通路相互作用:Dickkopf-related protein 3、Nicastrin、Leucine-rich repeat neuronal protein 4 、Cerebellin-4。在富集到的生物学通路中发现一氧化氮合酶的相关通路、安非他命成瘾相关通路和许多钙离子通路等一些和成瘾相关的通路。同时,通过对差异表达蛋白的分析,我们推测了一些尚未被充分研究的蛋白质,这些蛋白质可能在成瘾机制中扮演着重要角色:Protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons protein、、Cysteine-rich motor neuron 1 protein、Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2、Immunoglobulin superfamily member 8。 在对网络游戏成瘾青少年的尿液蛋白质进行分析时,我们发现了多种先前已在药物成瘾研究中被报道的蛋白质。

  • 大鼠灌胃多糖铁复合物后尿液蛋白质组的变化

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物化学 提交时间: 2024-01-04

    摘要: 铁是维持生物体正常生理功能所必需的微量元素,还没有研究从尿液蛋白质组的角度探究铁元素对机体的整体影响。本研究对大鼠灌胃多糖铁复合物(28mg/kgd 铁元素,相当于成年人预防贫血的剂量)4天,采用自身前后比较和成组比较两种分析方法,对比分析了大鼠短期灌胃多糖铁复合物前后的尿液蛋白质组。许多差异蛋白被报道与铁有关,包括2',3'-环核苷酸3'-磷酸二酯酶(CNPase)(灌胃前是灌胃后的7.7倍,p=0.0039)、p38(灌胃后是灌胃前的14.5倍,p=0.003)等;单只大鼠前后比较中,铁调素(Hepcidin)在4只大鼠中同时上调。差异蛋白富集到的生物学过程包括对碳水化合物代谢过程、铁离子的反应、细胞凋亡过程的调控、造血祖细胞分化等;分子功能(如补体结合、血红蛋白结合等)、KEGG通路(如补体和凝血级联、胆固醇代谢、疟疾等)也显示出与铁的相关性。本研究从尿液蛋白质组学的角度有助于深入理解铁元素的生物学功能,并为铁代谢紊乱相关疾病的预防、诊断、治疗及监测提供了新的研究视角。

  • 湘西石漠化区湿地松-马褂木人工混交林林分结构及土壤理化性质研究

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 >> 应用植物学 提交时间: 2024-01-03 合作期刊: 《广西植物》

    摘要: 为探究湘西石漠化区湿地松-马褂木人工混交林林分结构及土壤理化性质,该研究以湘西石漠化地区湿地松-马褂木人工针阔混交林为对象,利用植物群落学分析和野外取样检测的方法,分析林分结构和土壤理化性质,运用Winklemass 1.0计算林分空间结构参数,并用三维离散随机变量分析了优势种的空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)林分内DBH≥2 cm的林木有897 plants·hm-2,隶属于15科16属。主林层为湿地松,平均胸径32.3 cm,重要值为44.2%;次林层为阔叶树,中幼龄林木居多,其中樟树、马褂木为优势树种,重要值分别为17.1%、13.2%,此外还存在较多处于劣势生态位的天然更新种。(2)林木的水平分布格局偏向于随机分布( ̅=0.503);林分整体趋向于中庸偏劣势过渡的态势( ̅=0.505);种间隔离程度较高( ̅=0.689),林木混交状况良好。空间结构参数的三维离散随机变量表明,湿地松87.3%为优势和亚优势,马褂木41.7%为亚优势、26.9%为中庸态势,樟树23.5%为中庸态势、56.8%为劣势和绝对劣势。(3)林分土壤pH值趋于中性;与撂荒地相比,林分土壤的容重、持水量、孔隙度、有机碳、全钾、全氮、全磷等因子均明显改善,但整体而言,林分土壤仍然较为贫瘠,局部土壤紧实,保水能力差。综上表明,湿地松、马褂木做为先锋树种生长43年后,林分有向异龄林、强度混交林演替的趋势。但林分内中幼龄阔叶树株数占比较大,近熟林出现断层,老龄针叶树占据优势生态区位,需抽针补阔、间针育阔,择伐劣势木,促使林分向阳生性阔叶树为主、中生性和耐阴性阔叶树为次的林分结构演替。该研究结果为该地区的植被恢复、人工林结构优化和土壤改良提供理论依据。

  • 近自然化改造对马尾松人工林土壤团聚体有机磷组分含量变化的影响

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 >> 应用植物学 提交时间: 2024-01-03 合作期刊: 《广西植物》

    摘要: 有机磷( Po 是土壤磷库的重要组成部分。为探究马尾松人工林近自然化改造对土壤团聚体 Po分布特征的影响,该研究以南亚热带的马尾松纯林( PP)和近自然化改造后的马尾松 −阔叶树种混 交林( CP)为对象,采集 0~10 cm土样后利用干筛法将其筛分为 >2 mm、 0.25~2 mm和 MRO P>MLO P>LO P,而在 CP中为 HRO P>MLO P>MRO P>LO P。( 3 CP中的 MBP和 ACP活性在原土及各团聚体径级中均显著 高于 PP 并 且随着团聚体径级的减小 ACP活性上升。( 4)冗余分析发现,土壤有效磷 AP)、土壤 团聚体平均重量直径( MWD)、 MBP和全氮( TN)为土壤 Po组分的主要驱动因子。综上认为,近自 然化改造有利于马尾松人工林土壤中磷的积累与转化,该研究结果为马尾松人工林土壤质量和生产力 的提升提供了理论依据。

  • 肥胖人群与正常人群尿液蛋白质组的比较

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物化学 分类: 生物学 >> 分子生物学 提交时间: 2024-01-02

    摘要: 目的:对肥胖人群与正常人群尿液蛋白质组的比较。方法:收集肥胖人群和正常人群的尿液样品,通过高效液相色谱串联质谱联用(LC-MS/MS)的非标记定量蛋白质组学技术进行鉴定。筛选肥胖人群与正常人群尿液蛋白质组的差异蛋白进行蛋白质功能和生物学通路分析;将肥胖个人与正常人群尿液蛋白质组进行比较,统计共有差异蛋白进行蛋白质功能和生物学通路分析;在肥胖个人尿液蛋白质组中检索已被报道的肥胖生物标志物。结果:肥胖人群相对于正常人群尿液蛋白质组可鉴定到38个差异蛋白,其中有些蛋白已经被报道与代谢、肥胖相关,差异蛋白富集到的生物学过程也与代谢等过程相关;肥胖个人与正常人群尿液蛋白质组比较富集到8个共有差异蛋白,其中有蛋白已经被报道与代谢、肥胖相关,差异蛋白富集到的生物学过程也与代谢等过程相关;在肥胖个人相对于正常人群尿液蛋白质组的差异蛋白中,能匹配到已被报道的肥胖生物标志物。结论:尿液蛋白质组能进行正常人与肥胖者的区分,尿液蛋白质组差异蛋白中具有已知和肥胖、代谢相关的关键蛋白,且差异蛋白能富集到营养、代谢等相关生物学过程。尿液蛋白质组具有探究肥胖发生机制、提供个性化治疗的潜力。