Your conditions: 刘楠
  • 海人树的生态生物学特性

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2021-12-19 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract: Suriana maritima (Surianaceae) is a coastal ornamental plant species distributing only on the South China Sea Islands in China, at present. In order to understand the ecological and biological characteristics of S. maritima, and provide a theoretical basis for its protection, development and utilization, we investigated the morphological and anatomical structure of stem and leaf, the antioxidant enzyme activity and osmotic adjustments contents in leaf of S. maritima, and nutrient element contents in leaf and the soil S. maritima growing on the Paracel Islands, by field investigation and sampling for analysis. The results showed that S. maritima have small and thick leaf, well-developed palisade tissue, and low stomatal density (8.64 n·mm-2), which make it easy to maintain water in the body and suitable for drought and high saline-alkali environment. The chlorophyll content (0.76 mg·g-1) of the leaf was low, the total antioxidant capacity (589.50 U·g-1) and proline content (1 123.64 μg·g-1) were high, indicating that S. maritima had high photosynthetic utilization efficiency and strong antioxidant capacity. Though the nutrient in natural growing soil was poor, the contents of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in leaf of S. maritima were relatively high (490.27, 18.10, and 3.81 g·kg-1, respectively), indicating a high nutrient utilization efficiency and good adaptability of S. maritima to poor soil. Therefore, S. maritima had a good adaptability to the environment of strong radiation, drought, high saline-alkali and poor soil on tropical coral islands, and could be used as a tool species for revegetation and landscaping on tropical coral islands.

  • 西沙群岛银毛树(Tournefortia argentea)的生态生物学特性

    Subjects: Biology >> Botany >> Applied botany submitted time 2018-10-26 Cooperative journals: 《广西植物》

    Abstract:银毛树(Tournefortia argentea)为紫草科紫丹属常绿小乔木或灌木,是东半球热带海岸和海岛常见的先锋植物,具有重要的生态、观赏和食用价值。为掌握银毛树对热带珊瑚岛环境的生态适应机理及其保护和开发利用提供基础资料,本研究以西沙群岛东岛自然生长的银毛树为对象,对其形态解剖结构、生理学特征、叶片营养元素和根际土壤的理化性质等进行分析,研究结果表明:银毛树具有叶表面气孔密度低、比叶面积小、海绵组织发达、枝条的空腔比高等特点,具有较好的储水抗旱能力;其叶片表面有厚密白色绢毛覆盖,可以反射强光、降低水分散失,利于其适应强光和干旱环境。银毛树叶片的脯氨酸含量较高,能够很好的抵抗渗透胁迫,为细胞提供良好的生存环境。银毛树生长的土壤呈强碱性,养分和水分含量较低,但其叶片营养元素含量正常,表明其对土壤养分的利用率高,能够很好的适应瘠薄的土壤环境。银毛树木质部密度低,枝干脆弱易折,可防止被大台风连根拔起,同时枝干含水丰富,利于其抵抗台风及树冠的快速恢复。因此,银毛树能较好适应干旱、强光和瘠薄的滨海沙滩环境,在热带珊瑚岛(礁)或滨海地区防风固沙及植被恢复方面有较好的应用前景。