• Humans are invited to write cell backbones as complex numbers by writing polyribonucleotides as computable numbers

    分类: 生物学 >> 分子生物学 分类: 数学 >> 逻辑 分类: 计算机科学 >> 计算机科学技术其他学科 提交时间: 2024-07-01

    摘要: Polymer aggregates and molecular polymers are written as computable numbers, realizing the unity of cells and universal Turing machines with the Entscheidungsproblem. However, whether the Entscheidungsproblem of cells really exists remains elusive. Alan Turing found universal Turing machines read only computable numbers written by humans who further differentiate transcendental numbers from the set of computable numbers by Georg Cantor’s diagonal process. It follows that the decidability of the Entscheidungsproblem derived from humans eliminates the independence of computable numbers from each other and enables computable numbers to be fused with each other into the set of computable numbers, with the result that humans are endowed with a capacity to read of the fusion of computable numbers with each other into the set of computable numbers by humans to read the set of computable numbers by being endowed with a capacity to write computable numbers. Accordingly, it is shown here how humans write cell backbones as complex numbers read by artificial intelligence machines emulated by cells by writing polyribonucleotides as computable numbers read by universal Turing machines emulated by extracellular ribosomes to extend Georg Cantor’s continuum hypothesis by extending Alan Turing’s work on the Entscheidungsproblem, realizing the unity of humans, cells, and artificial intelligence machines without the Entscheidungsproblem.

  • 一种新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)药物与天然产物快速发现的计算药理学方法

    分类: 生物学 >> 病毒学 分类: 计算机科学 >> 计算机科学技术其他学科 提交时间: 2020-02-21

    摘要: 新发传染病爆发流行期间,亟需提出候选药物功效与机制的科学假说。疫苗或新药研发均需要一定时间,因而药物重定位(老药新用)策略有其独特价值。但是新发疾病其病原体、宿主反应的临床数据不充分,制约了候选药物假设的提出。此阶段常根据病人临床特征进行广谱抗病毒药物的尝试。本文借鉴人工智能领域常见的启发式搜索思路,提出一种新方法(aCODE),基于前期有一定疗效提示的广谱抗病毒药,获得其宿主靶蛋白集合,在全基因组尺度上搜索与之相关性最高的基因模块组合,进而对候选化合物(如已批准上市药物、天然产物)进行模式匹配与统计检验排序。本方法可根据临床实践的进展更新输入药物,迭代输出更精准结果,输出的天然产物或中药、药食同源成分结合其它信息后可实施快速测试,形成敏捷研发测试闭环。本方法的第二版更新及其与文献证据的比对分析请参考:http://chinaxiv.org/abs/202002.00024。