  • A new species of Amynodontopsis (Perissodactyla: Amynodontidae) from the Middle Eocene of Jiyuan, Henan, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2020-03-31 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: An adult amynodont skull, collected from the Middle Eocene Niezhuang Formation of Jiyuan Basin (Henan, China), is recognized as a new species Amynodontopsis jiyuanensis sp. nov. The specimen possesses the typical features of the genus Amynodontopsis, such as a dolichocephalic skull with elevated roof, premaxilla-nasal contact, large preorbital fossa extending posteriorly medial to the orbit, inner surface of anterior orbital bar concave in continuation with the preorbital fossa, antecrochet usually presented on M1, and metastyle of M3 strongly deflected labially. A. jiyuanensis is diagnosed by a combination of the following characters: long nasals, nasal process of premaxilla extending far back laterally below the nasal and excluding the maxilla from the border of external nares, nasal notch above the post-canine diastema, more transverse and proportionally longer protoloph and metaloph on upper molars. Comparison with known species of Amynodontopsis indicates that it is the most primitive one in the genus, due to the possession of primitive characters. Associated fossil mammals support a correlation of the strata bearing A. jiyuanensis with the Shara Murun Formation of the Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol, China, namely the Middle Eocene Sharamurunian Asian Land Mammal Age (ALMA), prior to all other known Amynodontopsis species. The earlier geologic age and primitive morphological features of A. jiyuanensis suggest that Amynodontopsis has an Asian origin in the Middle Eocene and later immigrated into North America.

  • New gobiconodontid (Eutriconodonta, Mammalia) from the Lower Cretaceous Shahai and Fuxin formations, Liaoning, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2019-08-26 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: Eutriconodontans are one of the key members of mammals to our understanding of the evolution and transition of mammalian fauna in Asia during the Cretaceous. Two gobiconodontid and two triconodontid species have previously been reported from the upper Lower Cretaceous Shahai and Fuxin formations. Here we describe two additional eutriconodontans from the formations, Fuxinoconodon changi gen. et sp. nov. and ?Gobiconodontidae gen. et sp. indet. This new species is attributed to the Gobiconodontidae, characterized by having an enlarged first lower incisor, reduction in the number of incisors and premolariforms, proportionally large cusps b and c being well distant from cusp a on the molariforms, presence of a labial cingulid, and a unique mixed combination of molariform characters seen on either the first or the second, but not both, generations of molariforms in Gobiconodon. Together with the four known species, eutriconodontans remained diverse to some extent in the late Early Cretaceous in Asia, although their family-level and generic level diversity appears to have been already reduced at that time.

  • New gobiconodontid (Eutriconodonta, Mammalia) from the Lower Cretaceous Shahai and Fuxin formations, Liaoning, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2019-08-26 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: Eutriconodontans are one of the key members of mammals to our understanding of the evolution and transition of mammalian fauna in Asia during the Cretaceous. Two gobiconodontid and two triconodontid species have previously been reported from the upper Lower Cretaceous Shahai and Fuxin formations. Here we describe two additional eutriconodontans from the formations, Fuxinoconodon changi gen. et sp. nov. and ?Gobiconodontidae gen. et sp. indet. This new species is attributed to the Gobiconodontidae, characterized by having an enlarged first lower incisor, reduction in the number of incisors and premolariforms, proportionally large cusps b and c being well distant from cusp a on the molariforms, presence of a labial cingulid, and a unique mixed combination of molariform characters seen on either the first or the second, but not both, generations of molariforms in Gobiconodon. Together with the four known species, eutriconodontans remained diverse to some extent in the late Early Cretaceous in Asia, although their family-level and generic level diversity appears to have been already reduced at that time.

  • Dentition of Subengius mengi (Mammalia: Plesiadapoidea) and a reassessment of the phylogenetic relationships of Asian Carpolestidae

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2017-11-07 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: New fossils pertaining to the oldest known Asian plesiadapiform, the Gashatan carpolestid Subengius mengi, clarify aspects of the dental anatomy of this taxon. The dentition of S. mengi is substantially more primitive than previously recognized in retaining a lower dental formula of, a low-crowned p4 with three main cusps that are less fully connate than their counterparts in species of Elphidotarsius, P3 with a narrower and structurally simpler lingual margin, and in lacking widely splayed paraconid and metaconid on m1. The unique structure of P3 in S. mengi and a reassessment of P3 anatomy in Elphidotarsius sp., cf. E. florencae, suggest that certain cusp homologies on P3 in Carpolestidae have been misinterpreted in the past. Following a detailed character analysis, the phylogenetic relationships of carpolestids and their close relatives are reconstructed. The Bumbanian taxon Chronolestes simul is recovered as the most basal member of Carpolestidae. S. mengi and a second Bumbanian taxon, Carpocristes oriens, also appear to be relatively basal members of the carpolestid radiation, although none of these Asian carpolestid taxa seems to be specially related to each other. Dispersal of carpolestids between Asia and North America appears to have been restricted to earlier parts of the Paleocene, although carpolestids survived on both continents until sometime near the Paleocene–Eocene boundary.

  • The incisor enamel microstructure of Mina hui (Mammalia, Glires) and its implication for the taxonomy of basal Glires

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2017-11-07 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: The incisor enamel microstructure of Mina hui Li et al., 2016 from the upper Wanghudun Formation, Middle Paleogene of Qianshan, Anhui is described following the hierarchical system ranging from crystallites to Schmelzmuster. The enamel sample was taken from the upper incisor of the holotype. The enamel consists of a very thin prismless external layer, a relatively thick outer layer (PE) with radial enamel and an inner layer (PI) with multilayered Hunter-Schreger bands (HSB). The thickness of HSB is irregular and the inclination has a small angle; no transition zones between the HSB; prism cross sections are irregularly round; interprismatic matrix is very thick with crystallites in the PE running parallel to the prism long axes. These characters resemble pauciserial HSB in rodents. Ribbon-like prism seams and convergent crystallite discontinuities are consistent in different portions of the enamel, which are interpreted as a primitive feature for Glires, or even placental mammals. Compared with known enamel structure of basal Glires, the enamel of Mina stands for the earliest known evidence of double-layered enamel of the group. It indicates that the early evolution of Glires and placental mammals is complex and adds more details to the enamel microstructure of the earliest Glires.

  • A new mimotonidan Mina hui (Mammalia, Glires) from the Middle Paleocene of Qianshan, Anhui, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2017-11-07 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: Here we report a new genus and species, Mina hui gen. et sp. nov., of basal Glires from the Middle Paleocene of Qianshan, Anhui, China. The new taxon is characterized by combination of the following characters: medium-sized mimotonidan; upper dental formula; d I2 transversely narrow and having smooth labial surface without longitudinal groove; M1 the largest cheek tooth and other cheek teeth decreasing in size considerably away from M1 so that the external margin of the upper cheek tooth row is distinctly arched labially; lingual side of upper molars unilaterally hypsodont and bearing no hypostria; hypocone being slightly distolingual to protocone; presence of a mesostyle; upper incisor with double-layered enamel structure; posterior border of anterior root of zygoma situated lateral to M1–2 and infraorbital foramen positioned low. M. hui is one of the earliest known Glires, co-existing with Heomys and Mimotona in Qianshan geographically and Middle Paleocene (ca. 61 Ma) chronologically. We consider that the Mimotonida would include two families: the monotypic Mimotonidae that contains Mimotona and Mimolagidae that includes Mimolagus, Gomphos, Anatolimys, Mina and possibly Amar aleator. Among known mimotonidans, Mimotona probably represents a primitive “morphotype” as the ancestor of lagomorphs, whereas Mimolagidae includes a side branch diverged from the clade evolved toward lagomorphs. Future research may show that Mimolagidae is not a natural group, and may possibly submerge into Mimotonida, or involve more than one family-level clade. The occurrence of Heomys, Mimotona and Mina from Qianshan show that Glires had already diversified by the Middle Paleocene.

  • A synopsis of Paleocene stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology in the Qianshan Basin, Anhui, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2017-11-07 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: The Mesozoic and Cenozoic redbeds in the Qianshan Basin comprise a set of monocline clastic rocks and are subdivided into the Late Cretaceous Gaohebu Formation, the Paleocene Wanghudun Formation (including the Lower, Middle, and Upper members) and Doumu Formation (including the Lower and Upper members). Continuous investigations in the Qianshan Basin since 1970 have resulted in discovery of a lot of vertebrate specimens. Up to date, 61 species (including 9 unnamed ones) in 45 genera of vertebrates, representing reptiles, birds and mammals, have been reported from the Paleocene of the Qianshan Basin. Among them, mammals are most diverse and have been classified into 46 species (7 unnamed) of 33 genera, representing 16 families in 10 orders. According to their stratigraphic occurrence, seven fossiliferous horizons can be recognized in the Qianshan Paleocene. Based on the evidence of mammalian biostratigraphy, the strata from the Lower Member through the lower part of the Upper Member of Wanghudun Formation could be roughly correlated to the Shanghu Formation of the Nanxiong Basin (Guangdong Province) and the Shizikou Formation of the Chijiang Basin (Jiangxi Province), corresponding to the Shanghuan Asian Land Mammal Age (ALMA). Both the upper part of the Upper Member of Wanghudun Formation and the Doumu Formation could be correlated to the Nongshan Formation of the Nanxiong Basin and the Chijiang Formation of the Chijiang Basin, corresponding to the Nongshanian ALMA. Paleomagnetic results from several Chinese Paleocene basins suggest that the Shanghuan is roughly correlative to the Puercan and Torrejonian North American Land Mammal Ages (NALMA), while the Nongshanian correlative to the early to middle Tiffanian (Ti1–4a). The Shanghuan and the Nongshanian are probably correlated to the Danian and the Selandian of the Global Geologic Time Scale. Therefore, all the fossil vertebrates collected in the Qianshan Basin are the Early and Middle Paleocene in age.

  • Presence of the calcaneal canal in basal Glires

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2017-11-07 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: A unique canal (calcaneal canal) running diagonally through the calcaneus was commonly considered as characteristic for lagomorphs, both extant and fossil, but absent in rodents and other pertinent lagomorph relatives. However, our investigation of a calcaneus from the Middle Paleocene of Qianshan, Anhui Province and specimens previously grouped in Mimotonidae also shows presence of canals on calcaneus bones. To further explore the unique character, we scanned calcanei of Ordolagus, Mimolagus, Gomphos, Rhombomylus, and Oryctolagus using micro CT and investigated the calcanei of some other related taxa under microscope. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the calcanei based on CT data of these taxa confirmed the presence of apertures traversing the large medullary cavity. The diagonally oriented calcaneal canal is present not only in lagomorphs, but also in non-lagomorph duplicidentates, such as Mimotona, Gomophos, and simplicidentates, such as Rhombomylus, though smaller in size. Hence, the presence of calcaneal canal may be one of the synapomophic characters for Glires, not only for the order Lagomorpha. The shared calcaneus character confirms the close relationship between Simplicidentata and Duplicidentata.

  • An ameghinornithid-like bird (Aves: Cariamae: Ameghinornithidae?) from the Middle Eocene of Nei Mongol, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2017-11-07 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: A new fossil specimen from the early Middle Eocene of an Irdin Manha Formation equivalent (Erden Obo Section) in Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia), China appears to be derived from an ameghinornithid-like species, and may represent the first record of the Ameghinornithidae in Asia. This new specimen exhibits the subcircular lateral condyle outline, the absence of an ossified supratendinal bridge, an enlarged flattened tubercle lateral to the extensor sulcus, and other features shared among known ameghinornithid and ameghinornithid-like birds. The Nei Mongol fossil is roughly contemporaneous with the oldest records of the ameghinornithids from Europe (~48 Ma). The absence of this group of birds from North America, and their occurrence in Europe and Asia during the Eocene contrasts with the contemporaneous Nei Mongol mammalian fauna that is comprised largely of Asian taxa with a few distinct linkages to North America. Along with the record of an ameghinornithid-like bird from the early Oligocene deposits of the Fayum area in Egypt, it seems that this extinct bird group had a much larger geographic distribution than previously recognized.