您选择的条件: 2016-6
  • 内蒙古半干旱草原土壤水分对降水格局变化的响应

    分类: 生物学 >> 植物学 >> 植物生态学和植物地理学 提交时间: 2016-06-13

    摘要: 在全球气候变化背景下, 未来我国北方半干旱地区的降水格局将呈现出季节与年际间降水波动增强和极端降水事件增加的趋势。水分是半干旱草原的主要限制因子, 降水格局变化导致的土壤水分状况的改变必然对生态系统的结构和功能产生显著的影响。该研究选取内蒙古多伦、锡林浩特两个典型半干旱草原群落, 通过分析2006–2013年的降水和多层次(0–10 cm、10 cm、20 cm、30 cm和50 cm)土壤含水量连续观测数据, 研究降水格局变化对土壤水分状况及其垂直分布的影响, 特别是土壤水分对降水事件的脉冲响应过程。结果表明: 两个站点的土壤含水量均呈现显著的季节及年际间波动, 其中, 深层水分波动相对较小, 表层水分波动相对剧烈。锡林浩特50 cm深处土壤含水量波动较大, 主要由于春季融雪对深层水分的补充。年际间多伦和锡林浩特生长季表层土壤含水量与降水量存在显著的正相关关系, 下层土壤含水量与降水量相关性不显著。研究发现最小2 mm的降水事件能够引起两个站点表层土壤含水量的升高, 即该地区有效降水为日降水量>2 mm。表层土壤含水量对独立降水事件的脉冲响应可通过一个指数方程很好地拟合出来。降水事件的大小决定了雨后表层土壤含水量的最大增量和持续时间, 同时这个脉冲响应过程还受到雨前土壤含水量的影响, 但该过程中并未发现植被因子(叶面积指数)的显著影响。降水后水分下渗深度及该深度的土壤含水量增量主要由降水事件大小主导, 同时受到雨前土壤含水量的影响。在多伦和锡林浩特, 平均每增加1 mm降水, 下渗深度分别增加1.06和0.79 cm。由此我们认为, 在内蒙古半干旱草原, 降水事件大小和雨前土壤干湿状况是影响土壤水分对降水响应的主要因素, 而植被因子的影响较小。

  • BMP2-SMAD Signaling Represses the Proliferation of Embryonic Neural Stem Cells through YAP

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物物理学 >> 神经科学 提交时间: 2016-06-06

    摘要: Previous studies have shown that the Hippo pathway effector yes-associated protein (YAP) plays an important role in maintaining stem cell proliferation. However, the precise molecular mechanism of YAP in regulating murine embryonic neural stem cells (NSCs) remains largely unknown. Here, we show that bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP2) treatment inhibited the proliferation of mouse embryonic NSCs, that YAP was critical for mouse NSC proliferation, and that BMP2 treatment-induced inhibition of mouse NSC proliferation was abrogated by YAP knockdown, indicating that the YAP protein mediates the inhibitory effect of BMP2 signaling. Additionally, we found that BMP2 treatment reduced YAP nuclear translocation, YAP-TEAD interaction, and YAP-mediated transactivation. BMP2 treatment inhibited YAP/TEAD-mediated Cyclin D1 (ccnd1) expression, and knockdown of ccnd1 abrogated the BMP2-mediated inhibition of mouse NSC proliferation. Mechanistically, we found that Smad1/4, effectors of BMP2 signaling, competed with YAP for the interaction with TAED1 and inhibited YAP's cotranscriptional activity. Our data reveal mechanistic cross talk between BMP2 signaling and the Hippo-YAP pathway in murine NSC proliferation, which may be exploited as a therapeutic target in neurodegenerative diseases and aging.