  • New fossils of Late Pleistocene Sus scrofa from Yangjiawan Cave 2, Jiangxi, China

    分类: 生物学 >> 动物学 提交时间: 2020-09-15 合作期刊: 《古脊椎动物学报》

    摘要: The YJW (Yangjiawan) Cave 2 of Pingxiang in Jiangxi Province is a karst cave that developed in the Permian limestone of the Changxing Formation, which is filled with clay and grit of Late Pleistocene age. Six excavations have been conducted at the site since 2015. More than ten thousand mammalian fossils have been unearthed, and the wild boar fossils account for approximately 49%, which represents the richest wild boar fossil tooth collection of Pleistocene age in southern China. This study focuses on the studies of the canine teeth and the third molars, and mainly compares fossils of Sus peii and S. xiaozhu in South China and the data of extant S. scrofa respectively in dental morphology and odontometric data analyses which includes scatter plot analysis, regression analysis, coefficient of variation analysis and linear discriminant analysis. The typical scrofic type of the male’s lower canine teeth confirmed the identification of the suid fossils from YJW Cave 2 as S. scrofa. Although the male’s lower canines, the M2s and m3s, are among the most variable teeth in sizes, they stay in the ranges of S. scrofa; furthermore, the scatterplots of both the upper and lower third molars form two distinct clusters respectively, which can probably be attributed to sexual dimorphism rather than resulting from a mixture of different suid species. The post-Early Pleistocene suid fauna in southern China is almost only composed of S. scrofa, which is quite different from the adjacent Southeast Asia where the suid fauna is quite taxonomically diversified and dominated by the verrucosic type.

  • Rhesus monkey brain development during late infancy and the effect of phencyclidine: A longitudinal MRI and DTI study

    分类: 生物学 >> 生物物理学 >> 神经科学 提交时间: 2016-05-11

    摘要: Early brain development is a complex and rapid process, the disturbance of which may cause the onset of brain disorders. Based on longitudinal imaging data acquired from 6 to 16 months postnatal, we describe a systematic trajectory of monkey brain development during late infancy, and demonstrate the influence of phencyclidine (PCP) on this trajectory. Although the general developmental trajectory of the monkey brain was close to that of the human brain, the development in monkeys was faster and regionally specific. Gray matter volume began to decrease during late infancy in monkeys, much earlier than in humans in whom it occurs in adolescence. Additionally, the decrease of gray matter volume in higher-order association regions (the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes) occurred later than in regions for primary functions (the occipital lobe and cerebellum). White matter volume displayed an increasing trend in most brain regions, but not in the occipital lobe, which had a stable volume. In addition, based on diffusion tensor imaging, we found an increase in fractional anisotropy and a decrease in diffusivity, which may be associated with myelination and axonal changes in white matter tracts. Meanwhile, we tested the influence of 14-day PCP treatment on the developmental trajectories. Such treatment tended to accelerated brain maturation during late infancy, although not statistically significant. These findings provide comparative information for the understanding of primate brain maturation and neurodevelopmental disorders. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.